Friday, October 28, 2016


"Do you want to go see that new christian movie, Priceless?" I would ask.

"Oh no thanks......" almost every one I asked muttered back.


"Well no offense but christian movies tend to be sort of, well.....lame...."

Is this a conversation you and your friend had? Were you the one that said Christian movies were lame? There is nothing to be ashamed of my friend. A lot of Christian movies tend to be stereotypical or the producers try and make it a goody good movie which makes Christians frown upon how Hollywood portrays us and only because we believe in Christ. Over the last couple of years Hollywood has started to acknowledge christian filmmakers and movies, for example; God's Not Dead (2014) Heaven is for Real (2014) Miracles from Heaven (2016) and one in particular religious film was so good they created a sequel bring us God's Not Dead 2 (2016) and now Priceless comes in with such a heavy problem being addressed, sex trafficking.

I wasn't sure even if I wanted to see this movie when I first heard about it but as soon as I found out who the main character was I was most definitely going to see this movie. Joel Smallbone plays James in Priceless, you may recognize him from the film, Like a Country Song where he starred alongside Billy Ray Cyrus or he may seem familiar because of his band, For King & Country which incorporates two very important things in his life; Our Father who is the inspiration for most if not all the songs they write and their hometown Nashville, Tennessee depending on the song you can probably catch  a little bit of twang in between the drums and guitar solos.

(Summary of the movie contains spoilers)

James has lost his wife, due to death, his little girl, due to his uncontrollable drinking habits, and his belief in God by nothing ever going his way. He can barley hold down a job so when a job offer comes up he can’t turn down he doesn’t ask any questions; he agrees to drive a storage truck with the faded words ‘Party Time’ painted on the side. Everything is fine until  James begins to grow tired which makes attention span weak.
A big rig, coming right for him forces James to drive his truck right into the embankment of the opposite side of the road. He does not get badly injured but worries that he is hallucinating when he hears soft cries coming from inside the storage unit in the back of his truck he breaks into the locked area and finds two girls (who we learn are sisters) in tattered clothes and tear stained faces in the corner of the truck.When he delivers them to where he was told to go he realizes he has just contributed to an unbearable disgusting crime, sex trafficking. After the buyers leave the Motel parking lot James knows he has to go on a mission to bring the girls back to safety but he knows he could die in the process. As the story goes on he realizes that the eldest sister, Antonia played by Bianca Santos lost her virginity in the most horrendous way possible he now understands he isn’t just saving Antonia and her sister, Maria but many other girls who are being sold to men who are just looking for one night pleasures.
James partners up with the manager of the motel, Dale who is aware from the beginning what is happening and what will happen if James doesn’t take action right away. James is able to safely save Antonia two times but she will not go without her sister, there is no way she can
leave her sister surrounded by the broken women who had given up their worthlessness. James defeats the odds and consequences but loses his friend Dale before he can understand his daughter gave up her virginity because of her brokenness. 

Priceless is one of the most enlightening movies I have ever watched. It has also been one of the biggest Christian films to be rated on Rotten Tomatoes, a movie rating site coming in at a satisfying audience acceptance score of ninety-four percent. This movie has an incredible message. We are incomparable, unmistakable, irreplaceable and no one can define worth because we are Priceless. 

I strongly encourage anyone to see this movie, not only because of the message but of the awareness it brings to something so many of us look past. It is still a problem that is going on and this movie shows that from a christian point of view which is amazing. If you haven't seen the movie, read the book, or even heard the song by Joel Smallbone and his brother Luke Smallbone's band, For King & Country please do so. You won't be disappointed.

Living Fearlessly,


Monday, October 10, 2016

What Central Intelligence Taught Me About Our Generation

Over the weekend I watched Central Intelligence starring Dwayne Johnson aka The Rock and comedian Kevin Hart. If you know anything about these two guys you know that when you put them together in a film it is going to be a great movie but that is probably not all you'll know.

I don't know if you have watched Central Intelligence or not but even if you haven't you will probably guess you shouldn't sit your six year old in front of it.

Why is it that EVERY single movie out now a days that is placed in the genre of Comedy is rated PG for suggestive humor or sexual elements? Is that really the only thing that people in the movie making industry think will make their audiences laugh - when they talk about sex? - which is a private thing between a man and a women, more specifically a MARRIED man and woman to reproduce.

God created man and woman to hold this gift where they can reproduce children to multiply and be fruitful. He did not make it for comedy or to be laughed at. It is so sad that this is what our world has come to that Hollywood feels like they have to put a sexual innuendo in their movies or else it will be empty or there movie ratings will go down in views. When does it become funny where woman and man are justified or looked at just for their body parts? It's wrong and it's sinful. Where does pornography become funny? Where does it become funny about self esteem when it comes to our body image? When does it become funny to make fun of people? I'll tell you. Under ANY circumstances it never makes it funny.

Lots of people struggle with addiction to pornography on a daily basis and here Hollywood is trying to make it a comedic joke. It is not a joke. It's an issue that too many people may look past when we need to help our brothers and sisters in their time of needs, in the darkest times in their lives.

It also bothered me that at least in every line they said there was usage of profanity. I mean in every line they said. I have overheard people discussing this movie and someone brought up that there was so much language and the person replied, "Well it's Dwayne Johnson and Kevin Hart, what do you expect?"

Don't get me wrong. I am not bashing on  The Rock or Kevin Hart but these two guys are being defined as being in raunchy movies and being inappropriate. Oh if it has Kevin Hart in it, that is going to be really dirty! If I were them I would feel so ashamed of myself and the kind of things I was promoting.

These things right now may seem minor to you with all the elections and presidential debates that we can't seem to get away from. Our world is being tested with two presidential candidates that won't do anything healthy for this country but what are we doing about it? Not much......We are discussing it on Facebook and fighting with people over political views but where is that getting us? By doing this, little by little arguing with people and not voting because we are voting for two evils either way is not helping with leading our world out of darkness.

I know movies are such a small portion of things that are getting worse with this world but they have such a HUGE impact on us as the younger generation that is growing up watching them with their parents.

I ask you to please pray four our country's leaders, now, and in the future. I ask you to pay for the darkness our world is in. I ask you to also step up with your talents and gifts the Lord has given you. It seems you can't get away from sexual songs, raunchy movies, or pornographic books. We need writers, singers, actors, filmmakers, and so many other people who make art to make art wonderful again and to step up and make this country better.

Living Fearlessly,

Your voice DOES make a difference.

Monday, June 27, 2016

A Fearless Book Review: I Choose The Sky by Emily Wilson

You are in a bookstore, scoping the shelves filled with books. You are looking for a book that will make you feel good about yourself, wholesome, and stronger in your Catholic faith. You see a neon pink and blue book that immediately catches your eye. If I were with you at the moment I would encourage you to PICK IT UP AND BUY IT! Buy twenty of them and give them to the most important women in your life.

I have followed Emily Wilson's blogs for quite some time now. If you don't know who Emily Wilson is she is this awesome  Catholic woman who sings back up for Catholic artist Ike Ndolo,vlogs, and writes awesome books like the one I am going to tell you about.

 Every time I read them I feel empowered to live out my faith even more. I also feel better about who I am and who God made me to be. When I found out she was coming out with a devotional for women I thanked the Lord. I was so happy and ready to get my hands on it the minute she made the announcement.

I started the devotional on June 1st, coincidentally the same day I graduated high school. I opened up the devotional and let God speak to me and that He most certainly did.Talk about inspiring! This devotional can be used daily, weekly, or monthly but I suggest daily.

This book is a tissue, best friend, and chocolate bar wrapped into one. Through the two weeks it took me to read the book in it's entirety I was going through huge transitions with graduating from High school. I felt pretty far from God. I hadn't been keeping up with my prayer routine or visiting Christ in the blessed sacrament as much as I used to. This book was my wake up call! Each day I felt something inside me stir while reading and before I knew it in the morning I was on my knees giving thanks to God for creating another day and allowing me to wake up to enjoy it.

I was a little heartbroken when I had finished this devotional. I loved noticing that the women in the bible who we may have not payed much attention to can teach us some of the most important lessons. Some of the women in the bible are there for a mere two lines, some do not have any dialogue and some have much. Either way I was inspired by these women whom God sent to live life so that they may inspire.

I really urge you to buy this book. Not to only support Emily Wilson as she supports youth with her gift of singing and writing, helping them with any questions they may have on her vlog but to deepen your own faith and knowledge.

Everything I could have ever wanted in a devotional for myself is fulfilled in Emily's devotional for young women.

I hope you never settle for anything less than you are. I hope you choose to open your heart to God's forgiveness, love, and mercy. I hope that you feel in your heart you are called higher by Christ and I hope you choose the sky.

Until next time,
Living Fearlessly in Christ,

You are blessed. You are loved. You are enough.

Monday, May 9, 2016


I graduate on June first. It is really surreal. It isn't going to hit me until the day of, or maybe it won't even hit me until the day after. All I know is that things are changing and that there will be so many amazing things coming up. There will be scary trials and tribulations too.

I am going to be eighteen, two months from now. That is really odd for me to say. I just got used to saying I was seventeen. Every day I am growing and maturing even though it feels like a slow process I am taking better care of myself and taking control of my life. Enjoying every second of what this life has to offer while I am still young. It is a scary but great thing to be growing up.

Are things changing for you too?

Do not be afraid. In Hebrews 13:8 it reads, "Jesus Christ is the same as yesterday, today, and forever." So what do we fear? In the words of Jon Foreman from the band Switchfoot, "Why do I worry? Why do I freak out? God knows what I need, He knows what I need."

Friends, Fear will control us if we don't control it. We do not have to handle it by ourselves, but together. God is always on our side and He will NEVER forsake us.

I am praying for you and please pray for me. God bless you in all you do.
Living Fearlessly,

God is the only thing that is Changeless.

Friday, April 15, 2016

Walk by faith, not by sight

In my life I need to be assured. I need to be assured of everything I do. I need people to say "yeah you are doing that right " so I can just go on with my life. It's a good vice  when you are doing school so you can get good grades, or want to strengthen your voice to be able to reach the really high notes but when you are doing other things being assured kind of gets in the way.

For example I need to be assured of my friends and that's what brings a lot of drama into my life. I need to be assured I can trust them and I need to be assured I'll be friends with them for, well, ever. We both know that not all friendships last but God does bless you with some really good friends that will stick by you forever.

It's also hard to be assured we will see a new sun rise in the morning when we fall asleep at night. I don't know why I worry about this but I do and this is not assured. My life long dream is to get to heaven and to rejoice with my grandpa, great grandma and all those who have passed way too soon. But I just am a worried person and that's just my cross I have to carry,

It's interesting though. One morning I was feeding my farm of animals. The sun was shining gloriously, the sky was so blue, and the clouds perfectly floated across the sky. I was feeding my dad's homing pigeons when I realized something.

These pigeons depend on me and my family to take care of them. These pigeons aren't sure if I'll feed them that morning or check on their little babies to see if they are okay. But, I know that I will feed them every morning and take good care of the babies. I will always take care of them and never let anything bad happen to them because I love them. They are God's creatures who fly across oceans and return home. It's so incredible!

I depend on God to take care of me and my family. I am not sure if God will create a sunrise for tomorrow morning or if we will have safe travels and protection but God knows that He will create a beautiful sunrise tomorrow morning. God knows He will keep us safe and He will always take care of us and He would never let anything bad happen to us if it is not in His will because He loves us. We are God's children who are going out to explain the good news. It's so incredible!

Our faith is invisible. Our faith cannot be seen. But it can be felt and it cant be taught. Our faith does not resemble assurance. We are not assured of what Christ will do with us but we trust in Him and in Him we trust.

Breathe. You have a loving father looking at you with adoring eyes and He will take care of you. I promise.

Living Fearlessly through trust,

Sunday, March 20, 2016

My Princess.......

Daughters of Christ! Oh my gosh, that's such a beautiful thing to be called by. Don't you think so? Man, what a beautiful name we have been given! It's almost Easter where Jesus will rise again. He will rise from the dead conquering darkness, death, and the grave.

I am a Pintrest junkie! I have this obsession with pinning things because I love crafts, and all the DIYs they have on there. It keeps my mind busy and calm after I've done school all day. I have a board where I pin Psalms, and just daily reminders I serve an awesome God. I also found a bunch of daily devotions or notes and I guess there is a devotion called My Princess or every day starts off with that.

Since we're growing so close to the Resurrection of Our King I thought it might be nice to remind ourselves how much God loves us that He died for us.

There are no words to describe how much I love you. That is why I stretched out My arms of love and died for you. I know sometimes you don't feel lovable, but you don't have to earn My affection. I adore you. You are My creation. I never want you to doubt My commitment to you. I Am the Lover of your soul, so let Me meet your every need. I long to set you free from searching for false love and searching for love in the wrong places. Let Me hold onto your heart and fill you up with Eternal love. Then you will feel My Holy Presence and fall in love with Me.
Love your King. (Who can't stop loving you.)

A Prayer to end this blog with: Christ, Lord, my Father, my King. Let me be able to experience your love in me. Let me be put to Peace in it. Let me be consumed in it. Lord, grant me the desire to want your love and to the desire to love you right back. Grant me the desire to be the kind of women to start my day off with you before all the worldly things. God I praise and thank you for loving me so much you created me. Through you, I pray, Amen.

God bless you all may you have an amazing Holy Week.


Monday, February 1, 2016

Why do I worry? Why do I freak out? A book review of Live Original by S.R

When I think Ocean, I think shark.When I think plane, I think crash. When I think headache, I think brain cancer. When I think home alone, I think kidnapped. When I cough, I think asthma. When people are quiet, I think "they must not like me." when I think motorcycle, I think death. 

That is not my list, but it is right on the spot of how worried I am about everything. That list is from the book Live Original by Sadie Robertson. If you do not know who Sadie Robertson is, she

is the daughter of Willie and Korie Roberston from the A&E show, Duck Dynasty. I started following her on Instagram when I first got mine and when I saw how passionate she was about her friends, family, and faith I wanted to be the same way. I also followed Sadie's brother's wife, Mary Kate.

 Ok, so Duck Dynasty may not be your favorite show, you probably can't stand it but I watch it when I feel very nerved up because they are normal people.They don't try to be funny, they don't try to look rich, they don't try and act Christian, it's just the way they live. It's as real as it gets, Jack! It's a reality show, sure but the way they treat people on and off camera is not a reality show.

Man, I have learned so many things from Sadie and Mary Kate.  I have a daily devotion by the Robertson family and it's so inspirational. I also have Live Original, Sadie's very own book. Sadie has been a really big inspiration for me, she's eighteen and is so passionate about living her Faith not just telling about it. She is a young girl that is just like me and if she isn't afraid of exclaiming about God on national television why should I be afraid of sharing about God on my Facebook, Instagram, and blog?

Live Orignal is probably the best book I have ever purchased. Sadie deals with anxiety, and like many of you know, I, as well also struggle with it. I have never been so touched by a book before unless we are counting the bible. (The greatest of all books!)  I have put the chapter titles down below. You can get a glimpse of how amazing this book is just by the chapters.

Chapter 1: Think Happy, be Happy.
Chapter 2: Dream Big
Chapter 3: Never Give Up
Chapter 4: Confidence Is Key
Chapter 5: You Can Only Fix You
Chapter 6: Let Your Smile Change The World
Chapter 7: ARK: Acts of Random Kindness
Chapter 8: Shake The Hate
Chapter 9: A Friend's a Friend Forever
Chapter 10: Respect Relationships
Chapter 11: Five Seconds of Awkward
Chapter 12: Stress Causes A Mess
Chapter 13: Do Something
Chapter 14: Live Original
Chapter 15: A Quick Guide To Living Original 

My copy of Live Original has sticky notes hanging from every page and all the pages are highlighted. This has opened my eyes to how SO many people waste their lives worrying. I don't want to live my life like that. Neither does Sadie.

I don't want worrying to stop me from living my life to the fullest, or to stop me from enjoying everything God has created for me. I want my dreams to come true and I want to help others dreams come true and I can't do when I am worrying. In chapter 2 it says, "Whatever your dream is, decide right now that you will not be denied. Don't let the haters talk you out of it, and don't let a bad attitude make you give up on it. When someone or something starts telling you no, stand up and shout, "Yes!" if you want your dream to come true.

Not only is this book an easy read but it is so encouraging. It is hard to find good books out there that are healthy for the eyes, heart, and mind. I encourage you all to buy this book and to follow Sadie and Mary Kate on Instagram.

Have a blessed February, until next month Live Fearlessly

You can't set sail with you anchor down- Kacey Musgraves

Hungry, I Come To You..........

I'm falling on my knees, offering all of me, Jesus you're all this heart is living for, broken I can come to you for your arms are open wide, I am weary but I know your touch restores my life.  

This is my all time favorite mass/adoration song. My heart instantly goes in to the most vulnerable place and that's when I just give everything to Jesus.

I've been to adoration/XLT more times than I can count. Ever since I barley knew what it was. My sister played guitar in the band and my parents were the ones putting it on for Lifeteen. So when I was six years old I was very used to sitting still in the dark church staring at the pretty, gold, fancy contraption that held Jesus. I was used to people crying and holding their hands up even though I didn't know why they were. I just sat and listened to my sister playing guitar. That's all I knew, I didn't know any different.

The most recent adoration I went to was last Thursday at Sacred Heart Catholic Church. I was sitting down and when I go to adoration I bring a journal and if I feel God tugging at my heart I write whats on my mind. (Thats the way I get my feelings out is through writing stories, books, songs, and poems, and blogs like this one. ) I was sitting there and not once did i pick up my journal which was weird because I always do but for some reason I just stayed kneeling even though some stood, sat, and laid on the floor.

If you've never been to Sacred Heart, above the alter is a gigantic crucifix. The lights were dimmed and in the position I was kneeling at you could see the monstrance but behind the monstrance was the shadow of the crucifix. I saw Jesus's hands and feet and his body. It was then I truly believed and had no doubt that Jesus was there, before my eyes, right there listening to whatever I had to say. I could ask him things, tell him things even if it was as simple as how my day was. I could talk to him but most importantly He could talk to me.

It was beautiful and something I wish I could have experienced sooner. But God always sets things to happen when he wants them to happen. That moment, God wanted me to see that he was there listening to everyone in the Church, listening to me. The band wasn't singing just the same old songs, they were singing songs to their King, Our King. I wasn't telling my sufferings to God inside my heart, I was telling him my sufferings at his feet.

Hurt and weight had gotten lifted off of me. I had always told myself that right there.... He is Jesus. He is right there. He is here. I have had such a hard time believing it though. Doubt and Fear have always been struggles for me. What if I am just kneeling in front of a piece of bread? What if Im singing to a piece of bread?

It's not a piece of bread. Its a piece of Body. It' not just body, it's His body. My encounter, could really, not be turned in to words because God is indescribable and everything he does is.  Through this year instead of setting resolutions, I am setting targets for my Faith walk and my first challenge will be to let God ruin me and then to build me in to something beautiful. I want to trust in His plan even if it leads me on my knees, crying out for help.

He is the designer, He is Our Lord. Our Dad, Our Savior. He is God. He is the plan.


I'm not lucky, you don't know how much I've prayed