Monday, October 10, 2016

What Central Intelligence Taught Me About Our Generation

Over the weekend I watched Central Intelligence starring Dwayne Johnson aka The Rock and comedian Kevin Hart. If you know anything about these two guys you know that when you put them together in a film it is going to be a great movie but that is probably not all you'll know.

I don't know if you have watched Central Intelligence or not but even if you haven't you will probably guess you shouldn't sit your six year old in front of it.

Why is it that EVERY single movie out now a days that is placed in the genre of Comedy is rated PG for suggestive humor or sexual elements? Is that really the only thing that people in the movie making industry think will make their audiences laugh - when they talk about sex? - which is a private thing between a man and a women, more specifically a MARRIED man and woman to reproduce.

God created man and woman to hold this gift where they can reproduce children to multiply and be fruitful. He did not make it for comedy or to be laughed at. It is so sad that this is what our world has come to that Hollywood feels like they have to put a sexual innuendo in their movies or else it will be empty or there movie ratings will go down in views. When does it become funny where woman and man are justified or looked at just for their body parts? It's wrong and it's sinful. Where does pornography become funny? Where does it become funny about self esteem when it comes to our body image? When does it become funny to make fun of people? I'll tell you. Under ANY circumstances it never makes it funny.

Lots of people struggle with addiction to pornography on a daily basis and here Hollywood is trying to make it a comedic joke. It is not a joke. It's an issue that too many people may look past when we need to help our brothers and sisters in their time of needs, in the darkest times in their lives.

It also bothered me that at least in every line they said there was usage of profanity. I mean in every line they said. I have overheard people discussing this movie and someone brought up that there was so much language and the person replied, "Well it's Dwayne Johnson and Kevin Hart, what do you expect?"

Don't get me wrong. I am not bashing on  The Rock or Kevin Hart but these two guys are being defined as being in raunchy movies and being inappropriate. Oh if it has Kevin Hart in it, that is going to be really dirty! If I were them I would feel so ashamed of myself and the kind of things I was promoting.

These things right now may seem minor to you with all the elections and presidential debates that we can't seem to get away from. Our world is being tested with two presidential candidates that won't do anything healthy for this country but what are we doing about it? Not much......We are discussing it on Facebook and fighting with people over political views but where is that getting us? By doing this, little by little arguing with people and not voting because we are voting for two evils either way is not helping with leading our world out of darkness.

I know movies are such a small portion of things that are getting worse with this world but they have such a HUGE impact on us as the younger generation that is growing up watching them with their parents.

I ask you to please pray four our country's leaders, now, and in the future. I ask you to pay for the darkness our world is in. I ask you to also step up with your talents and gifts the Lord has given you. It seems you can't get away from sexual songs, raunchy movies, or pornographic books. We need writers, singers, actors, filmmakers, and so many other people who make art to make art wonderful again and to step up and make this country better.

Living Fearlessly,

Your voice DOES make a difference.

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