You are in a bookstore, scoping the shelves filled with books. You are looking for a book that will make you feel good about yourself, wholesome, and stronger in your Catholic faith. You see a neon pink and blue book that immediately catches your eye. If I were with you at the moment I would encourage you to PICK IT UP AND BUY IT! Buy twenty of them and give them to the most important women in your life.
I have followed Emily Wilson's blogs for quite some time now. If you don't know who Emily Wilson is she is this awesome Catholic woman who sings back up for Catholic artist Ike Ndolo,vlogs, and writes awesome books like the one I am going to tell you about.
Every time I read them I feel empowered to live out my faith even more. I also feel better about who I am and who God made me to be. When I found out she was coming out with a devotional for women I thanked the Lord. I was so happy and ready to get my hands on it the minute she made the announcement.
I started the devotional on June 1st, coincidentally the same day I graduated high school. I opened up the devotional and let God speak to me and that He most certainly did.Talk about inspiring! This devotional can be used daily, weekly, or monthly but I suggest daily.
This book is a tissue, best friend, and chocolate bar wrapped into one. Through the two weeks it took me to read the book in it's entirety I was going through huge transitions with graduating from High school. I felt pretty far from God. I hadn't been keeping up with my prayer routine or visiting Christ in the blessed sacrament as much as I used to. This book was my wake up call! Each day I felt something inside me stir while reading and before I knew it in the morning I was on my knees giving thanks to God for creating another day and allowing me to wake up to enjoy it.
I was a little heartbroken when I had finished this devotional. I loved noticing that the women in the bible who we may have not payed much attention to can teach us some of the most important lessons. Some of the women in the bible are there for a mere two lines, some do not have any dialogue and some have much. Either way I was inspired by these women whom God sent to live life so that they may inspire.
I really urge you to buy this book. Not to only support Emily Wilson as she supports youth with her gift of singing and writing, helping them with any questions they may have on her vlog but to deepen your own faith and knowledge.
Everything I could have ever wanted in a devotional for myself is fulfilled in Emily's devotional for young women.
I hope you never settle for anything less than you are. I hope you choose to open your heart to God's forgiveness, love, and mercy. I hope that you feel in your heart you are called higher by Christ and I hope you choose the sky.
Until next time,
Living Fearlessly in Christ,
You are blessed. You are loved. You are enough.
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