It's been awhile fearless Catholics.......I have been praying for all of you and I hope the new year has been nothing but good to all of you. Today I am going to cover a very popular subject relationships especially those who are single and want to be in a relationship.
I don't know about you but ever since I was little I always dreamed about my future boyfriend. What he would look like, what he would talk like, what things made him laugh, and especially if he would be Catholic.
Years later and I'm 18 and still have no boyfriend. But it's OK and too be honest it's more than OK, it's great. Yeah it's not great all the time and even most of the time it's not great but for some reason I know that there's something more to this.
I used to be until recently very embarrassed that I hadn't had my first date yet or my first boyfriend. It seems weird to be eighteen and for you to still have had no boyfriend when your friends are on there third or second. They talk about their first kisses, their ex-boyfriends, the new boyfriends and it can kind of be...or ok really frustrating because it seems you can alone in your singleness.
A few weeks a little I was watching a live video by Catholic speaker Emily Wilson who I have mentioned before and she speaks about relationships and she was answering questions from a wide range of girls (and even boys) who said, "I haven't had my first kiss and I'm 18." or 19 and even 23.
I realized I'm not alone in this single hood.There are so MANY PEOPLE who have never been on dates, had their first kiss, or even dated anyone.
Again society has put this in our minds that there is something wrong with us if we haven't had our first kiss, boyfriend, or date by the time we're 16, 17, or 18. There is nothing wrong with you there are A Lot of things wrong with society.
Here is my letter to you: There is nothing wrong with you. You were made by the hands of God, the most perfect being there ever was and will be. You are not too loud, too quiet, too skinny, too heavy etc. You are amazing! You don't have too many freckles, moles, flaws, or quirks. You are beautifully and wonderfully made. God is not holding out a guy for you just because. God loves you and ultimately wants you to be happy, the happiest version of yourself like He intended you to be, like He created you to be. There's a reason for this waiting, there's a reason for this seeing all the cute couple posts on social media, there is a reason for all of this. Our significant other is coming and he is will great and he will treat us how we should be treated. Until then my reminder to you is that THERE IS NOTHING WRONG WITH YOU. please remember this.
It's hard to see pictures of your friends with their boyfriends or girlfriends, it's hard to see friends getting married, it's hard for love to be working out for so many other people. It's hard to be 18 or older and not having the first kiss, the first date, the first boyfriend, I know. Let me tell you though there are hundreds of people who haven't had these things either.
We all want someone to love, we all want to be loved, we all want to know there is someone for us but some of us are lucky enough to wait and yes I mean lucky. We get to really understand and realize what we want in our significant other. We get to fall in love with ourselves and more importantly Christ before we fall in love with someone else.
So I leave you with this hope my friends, there is someone for you. You are worth the right kind of love, you are worth the best of love, you are Priceless.
And with Valentines Day coming up don't fret, loose hope, or loose faith. Party with your friends, love your family, love yourself and pray to the one who loves you. I'll be praying for all of you.
Until next time
Also check out my other blog Fifty Shades Darker
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