Sunday, December 27, 2015

How Adele's (song) When We Were Young taught me about the Year Of Mercy

Adele's newest album 25 has been on the top of billboards best selling albums for three weeks since it has come out. This has been such an anticipated album since she let out her CD 21. I am not that big of an Adele fan but she does have a fantastic voice and has such a talent to write her own music. 

I got the CD as a present to my sister for Christmas this year and to be honest I have been listening to it a lot. Adele has such raw emotion in her songs and in her voice. It's like free therapy with Adele, and who doesn't want that?

There's a particular song I want to point out, It's called When We Were Young. In the beginning the lyrics are, "Everybody loves the things you do, from the way you talk to the way you move, everybody here is watching you." When hearing this song after the twentieth time, I realized this can help me within my own Faith.

Like I've said in many blog posts before. We were put on earth to proclaim God's gospel and to help other people get to Heaven no matter who it may be. I don't know about you, but I strive to be friendly to everyone I meet, I strive to help people, I want people to look at me and see Christ. I want people to know I am Catholic by the way I speak. I won't lie maybe sometimes by the way I dress or the way I talk. I wouldn't be surprised if people who didn't know me knew I believed in Christ and tried to live it out. I don't think they would guess I wrote a book on how to become Fearlessly Catholic, they wouldn't know I choose to use my gift of singing for God, they wouldn't know I have this blog where I exclaim the gospel and God's love.

Like in Adele's song I want people to love the way I speak because I speak of kindness, care, love, and joy. Not profanity, hatred, or nastiness. I don't want people to know of me as someone who would rather put on a Taylor Swift shirt than wear a scapular. If you have ever thought of me this way, I am trying to change. If you maybe even have some things you would like to change of your outer appearance please join me in doing this.

Not only should we take care and respect of our outer appearance but we have something indescribable inside of us that we should be taking care of. We have the Holy Spirit living in us. Do we ever care about whats going inside of our bodies? Our minds, our mouths, our eyes. We, as Catholics have to watch what see, look at, and read. We have to pay attention and ask ourselves would Jesus look at this? Would Jesus turn his head and look the other way?  I know, I know I am using the old  WWJD but as maybe silly as it is, it does help. We have to cleanse our mouths of the language we might use. Instead of cussing when we stub our toe or get cut off while driving, how about saying a Hail Mary? We need not to only take care of our eyes and mouths but our minds. Its almost impossible not to see some nasty things in our world. It's all over T.V., in the music industry, on magazines when we're checking out at the grocery store, and on billboards. I mean I would really rather be looking at a McDonalds ad than a trashy promotion for a wine or perfume.

Pope Francis said this is the Year Of Mercy. We are supposed to be showing compassion to others, love to others, mercy to others. The best way to do that sometimes is using our tongues to teach about God's teachings. We weren't put here to roll our eyes at those inappropriate things, we were put here to change those things. Instead of saying oh yeah it's the year of Mercy I am going to totally change myself and surprise others but I'll do it tomorrow because today I am going to probably watch this show I know is kind of trashy but it's ok because compared to the other stuff it's not that bad. Especially when it comes to our faith I hear a lot of people, including myself say I am going to read the Summa, learn more about my Faith, show compassion to the person who hurt me, show forgiveness. We don't do it and then it's already next year and slowly if we stop going to Confession, don't forgive, push people out of our lives, stop going to mass, or stop being nice and smiling we could become bitter and another person that has strayed away from God.

How hard is a smile? It's not hard. Be nice to one another and slowly but surley we can change our world and be the light of God. (Oh and listen to Adele, not only does she have a rockin voice but her messages are good too.)

Fearlessly Living Catholic and Merciful,

P.S. YOU ARE LOVED. YOU ARE BLESSED. YOU ARE ENOUGH. praying for you my fearless Catholics.

"There is a terrible hunger for love. We all experience that in our lives - the pain, the loneliness. We must have the courage to recognize it. The poor you may have right in your own family. Find them. Love them."
-Blessed Teresa of Calcutta

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