Friday, January 9, 2015

Perfection V.S. Flaws

The feedback I got back from people about my blog was astounding and I promise I will not try to bore you too much. Thank you for taking the time and reading it, you will never know how much it means to me. I'm thinking of posting two times each month about something different. This blog is about Perfection and Flaws.

Hello beautiful sisters in Christ, I hope you all get something out of this blog today because while writing it I felt a little more confident in myself.

It seems everyday we compare our appearances to someone elses appearance. "Her face is so pretty, why am I not as pretty as she is?"or maybe it's not with our outer appearance but with our hobbies or qualities. "She's funnier than I am." or "I like softball, she doesn't and she's better at it then me."

I compared myself all throughout junior high and my freshman year of High school. Now, looking back I wish I hadn't done that but I did that because I didn't know something I know now.

I found  a quote that states something so perfectly, (It's by Taylor Swift, no surprise there....) "Don't compare your behind the scenes to someone elses highlight reel." At first when I first read that I was like, 'Yeah it's easy for you to say miss Taylor Swift, you have great complexion, nice hair, and an amazing voice.' but then I got to thinking.

What if we were all perfect? Really, think about it. What if all of us had the perfect body, the pearly white perfect straight teeth, the expensive clothes, and that dry sense of humor people just have to laugh about? I'm not going to lie to you. I'm going to say I'd absolutely love it----for a few days. I'd think I'd want my old self back, I'd want my family back, and I'd definitely want my friends back the way they were.

If we were all perfect, we'd all be the same you realize. There'd be no different because if you haven't realized perfect is technically the same. Perfect is boring. There's nothing fun about perfect. Our flaws or imperfections makes us fun, different, and totally awesome!

I think flaws are perfections, I honestly do. Your flaws make you different, quirky, and loveable <3 and I mean it. They make you, YOU!

Ladies, you are beautiful! You are strong, independent, stunning, incredible, and a very awesome trait you have is you have the ability to give birth to life. That is awesome, that is so awesome because God could've chose to come to earth any way he chose but he came to earth through women, he came to life through our blessed mother, Mary.

You are great! Today, I want you to look in the mirror with no makeup on and tell yourself the TRUTH. You. Are. Beautiful.  and then I want you to do something that's hard I want you to believe yourself because you are Great.

"Makeup is not a tool to make a women who thinks she is ugly more beautiful. It only is there to magnify the beauty that already exists." -Unknown

My sisters in Christ. I hope you know you are truly aspiring. I believe you are beautiful, each and everyone of you reading this right now (I know who my facebook friends are.) You are Great and please believe you are because I guarantee everyday when you wake up without make up and you tell yourself you are beautiful you will believe it.

Beauty Is Being The Best Possible Version On Yourself On The Inside And The Out.


(Those days when we can't always believe we're beautiful and we're Gods creation. Here's a playlist.)

1. Nobody Ever Told You--Carrie Underwood

2. Hold You Up--Shane Harper

3. Something Beautiful--NEEDTOBREATHE

4. Beautiful Things-- Grungor

5. Every Storm (Runs Out Of Rain.)-- Gary Allan

6. Pretty Beautiful-- The Swon Brothers

7. How He Loves Us-- David Crowder Band


  1. That was beautifully said Sammy, thank you, I needed to hear that! ^_^

    1. I'm glad you liked it, Simone! Thank you for saying that :)
