Saturday, June 13, 2015

100 Days Of Fear

If anyone of you saw the video I posted on Facebook and Instagram the other day then you know what the fabulous news I've been waiting to tell you is. I'll be interviewing rock/pop/christian band Jeremy and Ryan and posting the interview on  here! If there are specific questions you would like me to ask please comment them or text me and I'll ask them in the interview.(If there are any questions please send them to me before Tuesday the twenty fifth of this month.)

So lets start on this blog, shall we? Have any of you heard of the 100 days of Fear challenge this lady is doing? If ya'll haven't heard of it I'll tell you a little bit about it. This lady named Michelle Poler has been scared of so many things since she was a little girl. Big dogs, doctor appointments, even dancing in public. Growing up was hard for her because she let Anxiety rule her life now she is taking a stand and doing 100 days of fear. All the stuff she was so scared to do she is now punching in the face and getting over the fear of it.

This is some of the stuff she has done: Balls coming at you fast so she went to the batting cages, roller coasters, falling down in heels so she walked around New York all day long in heels, bugs so she ate crickets, and dancing around in public so she did it in Time Square.

If you would like to see Michelle's Story and the videos to go along with her conquering her fears click the link

We all deal with some kind of fear and anxiety. While other people may think what someone else's fear is silly to the other person it's something they struggle with constantly. I have a lot of fears myself, and by a lot I mean a lot and while I may not have 100 days worth of fear that I could do but I still struggle with them.

Some of us have mental fears or physical fears. For those of you that deal with spiritual/mental fears, YOU have a solution.  It is God. God is the solution to all problems you know. It may seem like God is a million miles away during your darkest moment in the middle of the night while fear keeps you up but that s when he is closest. I love listening to songs that talk about anxiety, fear, and being helpless because it reminds me I'm not alone in what I do and like I've said before we love to know we're not alone because we're human.

But to help you with your fears and to have a little fun I am going to do the 100 days of fear challenge and before you get too excited. No, I am not going to do the things that scare me to death for 100 days because as that could be dangerous it could get costly. I invite you to do this challenge with me but before I tell you what this challenge is and how you can get started I am going to talk about emotions for like two paragraphs. It'll be quick, I promise.

Emotions. Those big, scary, intimidating voices inside your head. Some of these emotions are fear, happiness, sadness, anger, and self doubt. I bet a lot of you have seen the trailer for the new Pixar/Disney movie coming out called, 'Inside Out,'  it looks adorable and it talks about those voices inside your head. Did you know emotions don't define you? Did you also know emotions are one of the biggest reasons why we don't do things and what causes Anxiety is the emotion of Fear? It's all true.

Emotions are nothing to be scared of though. A book once described emotions as this: 'Emotions are not good, they aren't bad they just are.' It can be confusing but emotions are just emotions. They just are something that everyone deals with. It's just a feeling in your stomach. It's not a fashion statement, it's not a person, it's not a medical problem, and it's not a bad thing, but it's not a good thing either. It's just A THING.

It's not wrong to feel a certain way-It just means your human like our wonderful Mama, Mother Mary. St. Rose of Lima has said, 'Without the burden of affliction it is impossible to reach the height of grace. The gift of grace increases as the struggle increases.' So struggling with emotions is kind of a good thing you are just getting more of a blessing every time you feel like you are going to pop.

So let's start on 100 Days Of Fear challenge! And what a perfect time to start. School is out and we have nothing to keep our minds busy from day to day until school starts up again. (To those of you who have graduated and to those of you who will CONGRATULATIONS CLASS OF 2015!)

How To Participate In 100 Days Of Fear- Prayer version

1.) Make a list of things that scare you, arise worry in you, or maybe what makes you feel very anxious. Write a list of 100 things down and if there aren't 100 things that scare you you can write down a list of 50 things that scare you and 50 things you wish would end in the world. (Ex. Abortion, Poverty, Abuse....)

2.) For the next 100 days say the rosary everyday for something on the list and ask God to end that fear, ask your guardian angel to stand beside you when anxiety, worry, or sadness arises inside you.

3.) Start Living Your Life Without Fear. Within the 100 days or after do something you wouldn't normally do. ( For me one of my gross factors is to not eat Sushi ever, ever, ever! I would say a Hail Mary and go out and do it no matter how much I am scared to eat it.) Go on a roller coaster, go eat something you wouldn't normally eat, dance to Shake It Off in public, or go travel. God is on your side and he will never leave you in any situation.

I will be starting 100 Days Of Fear today, on June 22nd 2015. Please join me and if you can't say a rosary due to a busy schedule. Don't fret, say five Hail Marys and a prayer to St. Michael The Archangel. It doesn't matter if you say a rosary or a Hail Mary because we all need to pray more in today's world and believe it or not 100 days of fear does work. Try it out.

Fearlessly Living 100 Days Of Fear,

FEARLESS' is not the absense of fear.
It's not being completely unafraid.
FEARLESS is having fears.
FEARLESS is having doubts. Lots of them.
FEARLESS is living in spite of those things that scare you to death.

-Taylor Swift 

Hollywood To Holy Vows (From Elvis To Jesus.)

Hello Everyone! I posted a picture a few days ago of a book I was reading called, 'Ear To The Heart.' Subtitled 'Hollywood To Holy Vows' written by Richard DeNeut. I just started it, finished the first four chapters and I am in love with it. 

It's about this little girl who was named Dolores Hart and her name may sound familiar. Her early life as a little girl was full of suffering, pain, and little joy. Her family was broken and she lived with her abusive father and mother for some years. Hart grew up in the city of blinding lights, fast speed life, and movie premiers, the beautiful city of L.A. where her father was a hand model.  Hart converted to Catholicism when she was a young girl without anyone telling her too. She had made that decision around age six when she was put in a Catholic school where nuns surrounded her and she would be able to go and visit Jesus in the morning for morning mass. Too make a long, inspiring story short follow Dolores's journey from being called the most envied women in Hollywood giving Elvis Presley his first onscreen kiss to hearing God calling her heart and to become a nun. The true story of Mother Dolores Hart will change everything you've ever thought about nuns, forever.

Still focusing on Sister Mother Dolores Hart we will be expanding on the secondary topic of
 'Likes' and Yes, meaning the likes you get on Facebook, Instagram, and the retweets and favorites you get on Twitter. A lot of us are on all kinds of Social Media. I'm on Facebook, Instagram, and Pinterest. I'm a very obsessive pinner and you can ask my family and they will say the exact same thing.

When we post something whether it be something funny another family member said or did, or post a picture of what we're eating, or post about what we did that day we want Likes on the post because if we didn't want them we really wouldn't post it on Facebook. I know every time I post something I'm always just waiting for likes. It's really stupid but it's just what society has put in our heads. If we don't get likes then we're not cool, or no one likes me. I'm here to tell you once again that society is WRONG. 

Likes on social media don't define who you are or your personality. Honestly if I'm friends with you or following you it means that I like what you post even if I don't actually like the picture. 

Back when they didn't have Facebook though when Mother Dolores was just around the age of sixteen and in the movie, 'Loving You,' with Elvis can you imagine Dolores wanting all her friends to see her with Elvis and wanting to post the pictures and the trailer of the movie. In fact she would have to wait so long to tell her friends because she was on set day and night filming and now by the click of a button we can share things instantly. 

When Hart heard the calling in her heart to become a nun and enter the vocation she was scared that some of the people who had followed her and been of fan of her since Loving You came out would stop liking her because she was now going to become a nun and proclaim God's love for her by following him and exclaiming his love he has for His sons and daughters. 

I think we can all learn something from this story. We can all learn a few things but so we don't go off topic of Dolores I think what we can grasp from this is that we can use social media for all kinds of things but what we should be using it for proclaiming God's love and bringing people back to their faith or if they are going through a struggle to be there with them. Mother Dolores did all sorts of things in the midst of struggling for other people and even though we struggle we could help other people. 

Share a Lifeteen post, post something you found inspiring from the homily or readings at church, and even post your favorite bible verse. Still, post pictures of you, your family, and friends and your crazy socks you found for a great deal but as you have a hundred some followers teach them about God, too.

God never said following him would be easy or you would have a number of followers but he did say in the bible if you follow him it will be worth it. 

God is Good all the time and all the time God is Good,
Sincerely and Fearlessly, Sammy. 

If you would like to learn more about Sister, Mother Dolores click here:
If you would like to purchase her story please click here, you will not regret it: